Clay dredging
Clay dredging by TSHD allways means a lot of trouble with standard draghead designs: during dredging, the clay will accumulate in the head and start to block the flow. The direct effect of this is the reduction of the suction production.
Second effect comes when the draghead is clogged in a way that the flow drops to low values, forcing the dredge operator to stop dredging and trying to remove the clay under water by stopping the pump (backflush).
Third effect happens when the clearing of the clay can not be done under water. In this case the head needs to be lifted on deck to remove the clay by hand. This results in an important loss of operational time. This is also very demanding and unsafe for the crew.
To increase production, safety and comfort of the crew in clay, Innovate2Dredge can design visors that will fit existing drag heads as well as a complete drag head that will fit a given dredger.